vendredi 31 décembre 2010

Le côté obscur de Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Clearstream est beaucoup plus qu’une simple histoire de Nicolas Sarkozy s’en prenant à son rival Dominique de Villepin. Il faut d’abord comprendre ce que Clearstream représente dans le monde de la finance et de la mondialisation. C’est le fonctionnement même de la finance et donc le pouvoir, selon le journaliste et écrivain, Denis Robert, qui fut blanchi dans le procès. L'affaire fut montée de toutes pièces par le cabinet londonien Hakluyt & Co. notoirement lié à la CIA et au MI6. Il est désormais établi que l'un des condamnés, Jean-Louis Gergorin tenait ces informations de ce cabinet. Mais les juges n'ont pas voulu envisager qu'Hakluyt ait pu organiser la manipulation, à cause des liens familiaux d’antan de son administrateur avec Nicolas Sarkozy.

L’affaire des frégates devient en 2006 l’affaire Clearstream qui va devenir le Koweit-gate. L’histoire d’une incroyable escroquerie organisée sous couvert de l’ONU, de l’OTAN et BNP Paribas, avec mensonges et malversations des banquiers, politiciens, procureurs et juges sans scrupules. Et tout ceci pour détourner les dizaines de milliards versés par le Koweït et payés par l’Irak pour l’utilisation d’un système d’extinction et de blocage des puits de pétrole, volé en 1991 à Joseph Ferrayé et Christian Basano.

Selon le rapport Volcker le 2 Novembre 2005, 270 personnalités et 2.200 entreprises dont 180 françaises, un ex ambassadeur de France à l’ONU, un ex secrétaire général du Quai d’Orsay etc. seraient impliqués dans le scandale ‘pétrole contre nourriture.’ Les deux milliards de dollars qui ont été détournés entre 1995 et 2003 fut l’arbre qui cacha la forêt. Car c’est plus de 23 milliards de dollars qui ont été détourné dans le cadre du vol par l’Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle sous le contrôle du ministre Dominique Strauss-Kahn, des brevets de Joseph Ferrayé sur l’extinction et le blocage des puits de pétrole en feu au Koweït en 1991.

Denis Robert dans son deuxième livre ‘La Boite Noir’ chapitre 13, raconte que l’expert comptable niçois Christian Basano est le héros malheureux d’une histoire complexe liée à la guerre du golfe. Au lendemain du conflit, des koweïtiens aidés par des complices occidentaux auraient détourné 16 milliards de dollars provenant de l’aide internationale, (des banques de plusieurs pays) Ces fonds devaient financer l’extinction des puits selon une méthode imaginée par le chercheur Joseph Ferrayé et protégée par un brevet. Basano, un proche de Ferrayé, avait crée une société et envoyé des photocopies de son passeport pour obtenir un visa Koweïtien.

L’affaire Basano commença quand ce dernier s’est rendu compte quelques années plus tard qu’on s’était servi de son identité et de ses papiers pour transférer via une banque hollandaise, des fonds provenant de Koweït. Ces fonds seront investis en titres grâce à un compte non publié de Clearstream. Basano se déplacera jusqu’au Luxembourg et livrera ses documents aux autorités grand ducales. On y trouve la liste et les références précises de tous les comptes. Ces comptes ont été dévoilés le 16 novembre 1995 par Me. De la Haye de Saint Hilaire, notaire parisien, connu de la justice (emprisonné dans le cadre de l’affaire IBSA – Crédit Lyonnais,) et par Me. Mottu, notaire genevois, en présence du prince koweïtien Ahmed Nasser Al Sabah.

Basano a dit, “malgré les pressions je suis le seul à refuser de signer les lettres préparées par les notaires, car j’avais compris de par mon expérience d’auditeur de banques, notamment à Monaco, la manipulation et pièges pour déposséder totalement les ayants droits économiques réels (ADER) de la possibilité de regard, par rapport aux sommes versés sur chacun des dits comptes. Ce que n’ont pas compris à temps les autres ADER, qui furent à l’époque manipulé par leurs avocats respectifs.” Le montant total des comptes légalisés par les notaires s’élève à 23.005.341.300 US dollars.

Les banques ont utilisé la technique des comptes écran dans le cadre du fonctionnement des comptes miroirs appelés nostro, un procédé par lequel un investisseur par souci de discrétion, fait refléter son compte par une autre banque et au nom de celle-ci. Une simple opération financière. Ce système, qui suppose un secret bancaire total, implique que si l’opération est importante le risque qu’il soit retrouvé dans les bilans de la banque si ceux ci ne sont pas publié est quasi nul.

La plupart des comptes sont organisés à plusieurs tiroirs avec un compte principal qui réceptionne le virement mais qui exécute immédiatement la répartition qui se fait automatiquement sur les comptes secondaires. Sous le même numéro, avec des lettres et des chiffres complémentaires. De ce fait la transaction semble être moins importante. Le système permet à des clients la possibilité de ne jamais apparaître lors des transactions financières internationales. Les clients peuvent être des banques, des hommes de paille à la tête des sociétés offshore. C’est donc grâce à Clearstream que les banques peuvent réaliser en toute impunité leurs opérations douteuses.

Les comptes utilisés pour l’opération Koweit-gate ont également été utilisé, selon un rapport de l’Office de lutte anti-fraude européenne, par le criminel Jean-Pierre van Rossem ( entre autre, qui a été désigné comme ADER bien avant le 16/11/1995. En 1993 Dominique Strauss-Kahn créa le cabinet DSK consultants, spécialiste dans le lobbying bruxellois, qui serait impliqué dans le scandale. André Lussi, ancien président de Clearstream parle de la mémoire de l’argent, tout est tracé, enregistré. On sait exactement tout ce qui se trame. On peut, si on s’en donne les moyens, reconstituer les voyages souvent longs et compliqués des virement électroniques de Paris à Luxembourg, de Jersey aux Iles Caïmans, ou de Genève à Toronto.

Daniel Levavasseur, ancien agent de la DST, a pu retracer la piste de l’argent en démontrant que BNP Los Angeles via BNP Luxembourg a participé en 1991 aux transferts des 23, 005.341.300 dollars avant leur éclatement en utilisant plusieurs sociétés offshore. Levavasseur savait que les archives des Renseignements Généraux contenaient des détails sur un détournement des indemnités de la guerre du Golfe. (Les pays de golfe d’Arabie ont signé un chèque de plus d’un milliard de dollars à la France. Cette somme représente les indemnités de la guerre du Golfe et des frais engagés par la marine nationale, l’armée de l’air, et celle de terre au titre de la division Daguet. Ce chèque a été transporté de Qatar par Falcon 50 et déposé à Zurich sur un compte bancaire au nom de François Mitterrand. Cette opération a eu lieu en présence d’un conseiller fédéral (Pierre Tanger, journaliste d’investigation ; journal MINUTE.)

Le 3 février 2003 Nice Matin publie – un grimpeur a été trouvé mort par des promeneurs, pendu à 15 mètres du sol. Les policiers de Fréjus - Saint Raphaël ne trouvaient aucun papier sur lui, justes quelques pièces suisses. Il s’agissait de Daniel Levavasseur (décès accidentel bien évidement) qui est mort dans les mêmes conditions le directeur de la banque Ambrosiano sous un pont de Londres. Levavasseur devait être entendu en Mars 2003 à Genève par le juge d’instruction Christine Junod dans le cadre de la plainte de Joseph Ferrayé déposée à Genève en Janvier 1996.
Le 21 décembre 2001 le magazine Entrevue publie qu’un reportage de Sans Aucun Doute a été censuré par TF1. Il s’agissait de l’affaire étouffé, l’enquête sur Joseph Ferrayé, inventeur qui depuis dix ans est au cœur d’une affaire énorme. Me. Collard avocat de Ferrayé présent sur le plateau de Sans Aucun Doute avait déclaré que ce serait la plus grande escroquerie du siècle sur fond de politique et de la guerre du golfe. Julien Courbet pensait que l’affaire allait remonter très haut. Mais l’affaire, fut gênante pour Dominique Strauss-Kahn, parait-il.

Le reportage sur TF1 censuré par DSK est visible ici :

Dominique Strauss-Kahn participa à la réunion de Bilderberg à Bruxelles du 1er au 3 Juin 2000. Il est aussi membre de la Fondation Saint Simon et du Club de la Haye. Ce sont des réseaux internationaux de think tanks animés par la CIA. Pourquoi a-t-il, censuré le 12 Mai 2000, ce reportage de Julien Courbet dans l’émission Sans Aucun Doute consacré au dossier Koweït-gate. S’agissait-il de secret défense ou une question de commissions? Personne ne sait, mais il y a bien sûr des soupçons.

En février 2002 Monsieur Chirac avait téléphoné à Patrick Devedjian et Jean-Pierre Raffarin afin de les inciter à axer leurs attaques contre DSK pour l’affaiblir vis à vis de l’opinion public. (Publié dans JDD 17/02/2002.) En 2007, Nicolas Sarkozy et Condaleeza Rice l’avait fait élire au FMI, où il a tout de suite été accusé d’avoir abusé de son pouvoir.

Et si DSK, qui n’a rien d’un socialiste, devient le candidat du PS à la présidentielle en 2012, il y aura toujours des doutes de l’intégrité de ce banquier sioniste mafieux, dont l’appartenance au camp atlantiste est bien connue, et qui reçoit ses ordres de la CIA et des architectes du nouvel ordre mondial, comme David Rockefeller. Souvenons-nous de ses déboires d’antan.

jeudi 30 décembre 2010

The pharmaceutical industry is playing its part in putting the human race and the world in peril

It should be obvious to everyone that the Pharmaceutical Industry, which is only interested in making a profit, needs lots of sick people to thrive. Healthy people don’t buy medicines, and therefore there is an urgent need to produce as many sick people as possible across the world, so that a maximum of medicines can be sold at the highest price.

Faced with this undeniable fact, it is hardly surprising that corruption has produced a medical Mafia, whose sole object is to bribe the doctors into prescribing medicines, whether or not they are applicable to the pathology in question, so that a maximum of profit can be made. Working together with the World Health Organization, whose members are on the industry’s payroll, the Mafia, which has the backing of the World Bank and the Rockefeller Foundation, has no trouble monopolizing health care, given that the Food and Drug Administration does not do its job correctly, and any form of alternative safer medical practices are condemned and even made illegal.

Nothing must stand in the way of big business. The doctor’s patient (whether or not he is really sick) is nothing more than a commodity to be exploited. Whether he or she lives or dies is totally irrelevant, just as long as a maximum of profit is made before the arrival of the undertakers. As for how the bribes are distributed ($5000 or more for each doctor,) they take the form of perks, such as paid holidays, cars, etc.

Getting children hooked on drugs is part of the medical Mafia’s strategy. Joseph Biederman, the Harvard child psychiatrist advises using anti-psychotic medicines on children, especially in the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Recent fraudulent marketing charges against the world’s leading pharmaceutical giants have led to massive fines. But President Obama believes that fines alone are not enough. Those responsible should also be sent to prison. In 2005, Pfizer, Merck, Glaxo Smith Kline and Novartis even faced genocide charges at the International Court for preventing life saving natural alternatives to drug based treatments from being applied in prevention and cure. Worldwide disinformation by these companies is said to have caused millions of deaths.

The FDA is a toothless organization. No one tests the results of the Pharmaceutical company’s tests, which means it is little more than a partner of the latter’s unscrupulous activities. One would have thought that after the Thalidomide case in the early sixties, all involved would have learned their lesson. Unfortunately where money is concerned that is wishful thinking. They couldn’t give two hoots for deformed children. They continued their unethical work as if nothing had happened.

Apart from doing all it can to encourage preventable illness, the Mafia produces contaminated vaccines. The WHO reported that unpurified vaccines containing toxins and bacteria were given to children. For example Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccines had been found to contain the chicken leucosis virus, and there are researchers who suspect that the Polio vaccine may have been contaminated by HIV. Lets not forget that US bio-warfare research, which seeks to create agents that can destroy the human immune system, may be responsible for AIDS. These cruel people do their research on monkeys, which are supposed to have passed the HIV virus to man.

A US report states that 50.5% of drugs introduced between 1976 and 1985 had to be relabeled because of adverse side effects. (Heart, liver and kidney failure, birth defects, blood disorders, respiratory arrest, seizures and blindness.) According to the FDA 1.5 million Americans were hospitalized in 1978 as a consequence of taking drugs, and 30% received further complications during treatment. 14,000 Americans die each year due to drug taking, one out of seven hospital beds being taken by people suffering various side effects. Where dietary supplements are concerned erroneous information was given to patients and doctors, and the damage claims are starting to bring down firms like Bayer. The largest investment industry on earth is being crippled, and the money paid in damages has to be recuperated as quickly as possible.

The medical Mafia has therefore no alternative. Healthy people have to be made ill. There is no profit in healthy people, so everything possible has to be done to make people drug dependent. Lobbyist around the globe go into action. Minor ailments, (nothing a good dose of vitamin C couldn’t cure,) are diagnosed as something more serious. Life saving information for millions of people is being with held. And natural health therapies are either discredited or banned. High cholesterol is not a disease, it is a question of dietary regulation. But everyone whose blood test reveals a high amount of bad cholesterol is prescribed a treatment, whose side effects can be little short of catastrophic. There are also safer ways of curing depression and stress than gulping down tons of benzodiazepines.

To sum up. We live in age of medical fascism when 20 million people a year are prescribed unnecessary anti-biotics. When unnecessary surgical procedures amount to 7,500 a year. When there are more deaths caused by conventional medicine than those caused by heart disease and cancer. And especially when viruses created in laboratories can be released on the world, with the purpose of selling hundreds of millions of vaccines.

The influenza virus A/H1N1 is such a case. Containing genes in its ARN from three different viruses which nature didn’t put together, this particular swine flu escaped, (accidentally on purpose) from a laboratory in Mexico. Expected to kill millions of people all over the world, the medical cartel, which wanted to create a situation similar to the Spanish flu pandemic at the start of the twentieth century, was rubbing its hands with glee. An ineffective vaccine Tamiflu had already been created and was sold by millions of doses when the WHO announced a serious pandemic. But the flop could not have been more total. Thousands more people die each year of ordinary flu than did because of A/H1N1.

In France, where the President’s brother advises the pharmaceutical giant Sanofi-Aventis which produced the vaccine, the government bought 90 million doses for 60 million people. The other European countries bought a lot less, and the Russians, having smelt a rat, bought none at all. What the French media campaign had insisted would kill 30,000 people ended up killing an hundred or so, after a small number of brainwashed people had been vaccinated. Although a billion Euros of taxpayers’ money had been thrown down the drain, it is certain that those in power in France did not come away empty handed. Sarkozy’s latest project is curing Alzheimer’s disease, and 60 million Euros has been accorded for research. With all the financial scandals we have here at the moment involving high ranking politicians, one is doubtful that those who suffer from this form of senile dementia will be the beneficiaries.

Quite apart from the idea of an intelligent pill containing a nano-chip capable of diagnosing and treating the illness in the best possible way, there is the vaccine to do something even more terrifying. The realization that there are too many people on this world (a major cause of global warming!) has led to the conclusion that a genocide will be necessary in order to save the race (that is to say the richest people on the planet) from extinction.

The philanthropic Bill Gates, armed with the fascist philosophy of eugenics, has decided that children (especially the worthless ones in black Africa and other poor countries) should be vaccinated so that as adults they become sterile. Backed by the world’s most evil man, (David Rockefeller I think he is called) the Microsoft genius, together with Warren Buffet, intends to reduce the world’s population, and at the same time eliminate all the harmful human ‘pollution,’ whose very existence is putting the earth in peril. Bravo Bill! Like that you’ll reduce the risks of there ever being another black president.

mardi 28 décembre 2010

Zionism’s evil banking system will soon be a thing of the past

That political realism is a more intelligent philosophy than neo-conservatism, (Wilsonianism with teeth,) was successfully demonstrated by John J Mearsheimer in 2005.
But the founder of modern political realism, Hans Joachim Morganthau, did not correctly judge the evil effects of Zionism in world politics.
Of all earth’s nations, Israel is now the most racist, and the fact that its apartheid politics are supported by the US regime, Democrat or Republican, is the proof that America is nothing but a puppet of the Zionist lobby which controls the imperialist banking cartel. (Obama’s financial advisers work for Goldman Sachs I seem to remember reading somewhere.)
And there is no crime that the cartel is not prepared to commit to achieve its aim of world domination, even if it means using the US military might to start a war, bring the countries they have encouraged to become debt ridden to the brink of collapse, and impoverish their people to the point of starvation.

Here are several alternative views about 9/11 truth

And the brainwashed American citizens, a growing number of whom are now impoverished because of the US war agenda, naively believe that their side is the only good one, and that anyone who doesn’t think like they do is evil. However there is nothing civilized about American unscrupulous behavior towards the rest of the world. Do civilized people commit massacres like My Lai in Vietnam, treat prisoners like the US did in Abu-Ghraib in Iraq and Guantanamo, commit cold blooded murder of innocent civilians wherever their armies go, without forgetting the sons of Saddam Hussein who weren’t given a fair trial before they were assassinated ? Of course not. Americans are not civilized, and the fact that they preach to the world that everyone should accept their corrupt way of doing things while pretending to be the good guys, makes them hypocrites as well.

It must first be clearly understood that anti-Zionism has nothing whatever to do with anti-antisemitism. As the true Torah Jews can testify.

There will never be peace in the middle east because where there is no JUSTICE, peace cannot be obtained. Now that Obama has agreed to let the illegal West Bank colonization continue, and allow a martyred Palestinian people, already depossessed of the land where their ancestors have lived for thousands of years, to suffer continued injustice, the blood shed will continue ad infinitum. The pathetic efforts of American presidents to seek a peace solution will always fail, because the Zionists, who have no intention of ever allowing the creation of a Palestinian state and want to increase the size of Israel to include all the land between the Nile and the Euphrates, rule the roost in Washington where the President of the USA, (normally a Freemason like the founding fathers,) obeys the rules or gets bumped off.

Unfortunately, with the world resources in the ecological red, a struggle to obtain what rests of them is resulting in new alliances being formed to combat NATO’s aggressive conduct in the East. Therefore Israel’s crimes will not necessarily go unpunished in the long run, and neither will those of its backers, who have been plotting a war against Iran, North Korea, and maybe even Venezuela since George Bush’s day. For quite apart from the Shanghai Co-operation Organization, which plans to outsmart rather than fight the Americans, there is the Syrian five seas policy which will make any attempt to attack Iran all the more risky.

The European people are mostly hostile to American politics and desire to forge closer links with Eastern nations, like Russia, China, and India, in spite of the US stooges which rule our countries. (In France we have Sarko the American, Dominique Strauss-Kahn the IMF chief, Christine Lagarde the finance minister, and Bernard Kouchner the ex foreign minister.) We are also plagued by the banking cartel whose chiefs in Europe are members of the Rothschild family. De Gaulle’s successor worked for the Rothschilds, and passed a law which obliged France to borrow from private banks at a higher interest rate than its own Banque de France, which would have cost next to nothing. It is one of the tricks used by the Zionist’s cartel. Encourage debt and then benefit from the problems it causes. That and manipulating the markets like Goldman Sachs, Bank of America etc. do in the USA, the net result of which is lack of growth and the impoverishment of the common people.

So what is presently happening in Afghanistan and Pakistan, which now involves the traffic of heroin to provide the capital needed to boost the American economy along with arms sales, will eventually lead a forced withdrawal when Vladimir Poutine stops playing games with the NATO leaders, and China, which is now busy buying the European countries’ debts and forming new friendships all round the globe, decides to get tough with the US allies, who may not include South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Australia very much longer.

Iran is one of the few countries over which the the Zionist banking cartel has no hold whatsoever, and its ties with the SCO as a major oil exporter on the way to becoming a major force in the middle East, makes it a country that no one dares attack. (It doesn’t need to possess nuclear weapons, as the provocative American propaganda tool Wikileaks suggests.) Hopefully this, together with the Chinese calm, friendly, and peaceful approach to international problems will cool the Americans' ardor in a conflict they wouldn’t be able to win, in spite of their impressive military arsenal.

The American taxpayer will be footing a bill of 600 billion dollars a year in interest on their national debt (nearly 14 trillion dollars) by 2012. Since a significant portion of this will go to China, it is it is clear that the Zionist banking cartel is losing its grip on the world economy. Why the Chinese are buying a 20% stake in Rothschilds Bank. in Europe. The Rothschilds in dificulty? Unthinkable. The USA and its corrupt Zionist banking system, including the World Bank and the IMF, which will use every dirty trick in the book to stay afloat, seems to have finally met its match.

vendredi 24 décembre 2010

Corruption rules the world

Even if Britannia once ruled the waves, corruption now rules the world! As early as 2000, we were warned about the growth of banking fraud and the fact that it would damage the world economies. But as is practically always the case no one listened.

Corruption is now both a major cause and a result of world poverty. All levels of society are affected, from local and national governments, the civil service, the judiciary, large and small businesses, and the military. Corruption, whether it be in a rich or poor country affects the poorest in society the most.

At a global level corruption is linked to American hegemony in the international business world, which has created conditions where corruption can flourish and has a deleterious effect on people’s conditions around the globe. People who already have little or no control over their destiny.

The full impact of corruption on poverty is difficult to measure, because many irregularities have been made legal. Unfair trade agreements, structural adjustment policies, etc. Blatant corruption is easy to detect, but in a legalized form people have now got used to it.

Corruption is not limited to third world despots. Rich countries encourage it in their dealings with poorer countries, instead of attempting to eradicate it. One aspect was the impact of the cold war, which led to supporting dictatorships, destabilizing democracies and funding opposition (terrorist) groups. Another aspect is the fact that big business offers bribes to the rulers and officials of third world nations in order to exploit their countries’ natural resources, gain export contracts (arms trade and construction principally) This is justified by saying that bribery is necessary in order to gain the market ahead of competitors ready to do the same thing. Thus corrupt rulers, who fill their foreign bank accounts with lots of dollars, are kept in power to suppress their own people.

Another major problem is the drug trade. The effect of international and national laws that prohibit drugs creates a rarity value, irresistible to producers, smugglers and dealers. This trade is always accompanied by violence and corruption, and when it is the reason for waging war, as in the case of Afghanistan, it makes criminals of the rich and powerful countries’ rulers.

Bribery is very persuasive and at the same time difficult to detect. Many western companies do not dirty their own hands, but use their slush funds to pay agents to make sure their deals succeed. In fact it is now an accepted practice in western countries where bribes are treated as legitimate business expenses and are therefore tax deductible. The professor Robert Neil of Trinity College Cambridge has written an excellent book about all this, entitled, ‘Public corruption – the dark side of social evolution.’

All this affects domestic political behaviour. And we now experience the aftermath of the cold war attitude, as demonstrated by the numerous recent scandals in Europe and America. The fear of Soviet intrusion in places where western governments had an interest, has been replaced by the effects of globalization, in which the multinational corporations, with the exception of those in Singapore which needs its reputation for honesty to remain a banking centre, maintain a level of bribery which involves the astronomic sum of 80 billion dollars a year. Just the sum needed, according to the United Nation, to eradicate hunger in the world.

The corrupt policies of the multinational corporations have the following effects in developing countries. The undermining of development and the encouragement of inequality and poverty. Smaller domestic firms are at a disadvantage. Money that could be used to eradicate poverty is transferred into the hands of the rich. Decision making favours the few elite and not the common people. An increase in debt that benefits the company and not the country. There is also the bypassing of local democratic processes, the circumvention of legislation and the promotion of weapons sales.

The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank encourage corruption, in spite of preaching the contrary. Their policies form the backbone of globalization, and have been criticized for increasing poverty. Structural adjustment, rapid deregulation, privatisation, the necessity for civil service reform and economic liberalization. Also the opening of trade barriers before the developing countries are economically ready to do so. Thus corruption is rife, and although the Western country hypocrites complain about it, their policies make the problem worse.

In 1987 the World Bank asserted, “any reform that increases an economy’s competitiveness will reduce incentives for corrupt behaviour.” Thus policies that lower controls of foreign trade, remove entry barriers to private industry, and privatize state firms in a way that ensures greater competitiveness, is a good thing. The World Bank has not changed its opinion. It continues to claim that corruption can be fought through an economy’s deregulation, public sector reform in areas such as customs, tax administration and the civil service, and the strengthening of anti-corruption and audit bodies and decentralization. Nevertheless, empirical evidence from the World Bank itself, suggests that far from reducing corruption, such policies and the manner in which they are implemented have in some circumstances increased it.

Jubilee 2000 has similar criticisms.. Rich country politicians and bank officials argue that because dictators were kept in power thanks to the western arms trade, and were given loans to squander on ill advised schemes, the people of those countries, who fought against the repressive regimes, cannot be trusted not to waste the money released by debts cancellation. This is the irrational and illogical IMF and World Bank philosophy. Power is more important than integrity in a system that benefits the rich rather than the poor in developing countries. US government export credit agencies promoted inappropriate and unprofitable projects, and then criticized third world governments for their inability to control their finances because they accepted the ill advised projects in the first place.

The most striking aspect of World Bank and IMF (aid and debt relief) is that the employees of these institutions have virtual dictatorial powers to impose their whims on recipient countries. This is because poor countries are obliged to accept IMF and World Bank structural adjustment programs and other conditions before they get their money. There is supposed to be transparency and participation, but in final negotiations between ministers and the IMF and World Bank employees, the latter can refuse to submit programs to the boards of those institutions if the poor countries do not accept their conditions.

Joseph Stiglitz the Nobel Prize winning economist has said that reforms often bring advantages to some groups while disadvantaging others, and one of the problems with policies agreed in secret is that a governing elite may accept an important policy which does not affect themselves, but which harms the impoverished population. (Elimination of food subsidies for example.) Democracy is therefore undermined because elected governments are accountable to Washington based institutions, instead of their own people. The potential for corruption therefore increases.

Contracts offered on a no bid basis breed corruption and crime. The USA, Italy, France and Great Britain are all guilty of this. Quite apart from the bribes and retro-commissions connected with arms sales, the World Bank and the UN are criticized for corruption while supposedly fighting it. (2 billion dollar oil for food scandal.) At the World Bank Paul Wolfowitz was forced to resign after it was revealed that he had moved his girlfriend to a new government post with a very high salary without review by the ethics committee. Wolfowitz’s appointment was already controversial as architect of the Iraq invasion.

The present chairman, Robert Zoellick, a former trade representative and executive of Goldman Sachs has been criticized by Joseph Stiglitz as a man with no real experience in economic development of poor countries. He is also a close friend of the pharmaceutical industry and the bilateral trade agreement he negotiated for the US effectively blocks access to generic medication for millions of people.

Traditionally a European governs the IMF, but only someone the Americans choose. The present man at the top, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, a potential candidate for the French presidency in 2012, has also had his share of problems. He however wasn’t forced to resign.

The system is not illegal but it is corrupt.

The combined wealth of the world’s 225 richest people is over a trillion dollars, (the equivalent of the yearly income of the poorest 2.5 billion. In the US the richest 1% possess 40% of the total wealth. The next 19% another 45%, and the bottom 80% have 15% of the nation’s wealth. Globalization and neo-liberalism has made the multinational companies accountable to no one. The working man or peasant is worth no more than a piece of trash. The Cargill Corporation controls the world’s food grain trade thanks to subsidies to US agriculture which subverts that in developing countries because the price is determined in Chicago. The World Trade Organisation is a capitalist predator which imposes general agreements on trade and services (GATS) on developing countries. It controls water, education and health.

The Organization for economic co-operation and development (OECD), the Organization of American States, the World Trade Organisation plus the World Bank and the UN General Assembly all say that corruption impedes economic development. At the same time a Swiss banking source has estimated that there are more then 420 billion dollars being held in the account of African heads of state. Cronyism, nepotism, or favouritism are now considered normal practices, and the dividing line between organized crime, money laundering, and legal business is becoming more and more blurred.

Post communist Russia was robbed of 140 billion dollars in one year (1998) due to the Nauru affair.

Wall Street fraud continues and the American economy has been described as a giant Ponzi scheme.
The Madoff affair is more than likely the tip of the iceberg.

Even the Vatican is not the godly place it pretends to be.

And according to Wikileaks Russia is a Mafia state.
But that is just American hypocritical and provocative propaganda. After the collapse of the Soviet Union the FMI and the World Bank pursued a policy in Russia, which thanks to the billions of foreign currency brought a whole layer of criminal elements to the surface. Apparently, Pakistan is not too happy with the IMF either:

Without forgetting the Enron scandal. we have seen the sub-prime scandal and are now facing the foreclosure-gate one. How many more lie around the corner? Too much financial corruption leads to a lack of confidence. And a lack of confidence means no investment and no economic growth. The strategy of the banks is to hide their losses, muddle through as best they can, and get the government to keep the interest rates as low as possible. Economic recovery is a long way off, because propping up banks pretending to be solvent raises a country’s debt and is counterproductive in the long run. If governments do not enforce the law against the financial bandits and let them get their own way, they are then totally impotent to solve their nations’ economic problems.

According to Keynes debt is only good if it stimulates the economy. Giving money to banks to gamble with will not stimulate anything other than eventual economic collapse. Inequality is becoming too great, and with dominant banks like Goldman Sachs, J.P Morgan, Bank of America, Citigroup and Morgan Stanley manipulating the markets rather than helping to create employment, there will eventually be tens of millions of impoverished starving people all over the world, armed with whatever weapons they can get their hands on, ready to cut the throats of corrupt leaders and bankers wherever they happen to be.

dimanche 19 décembre 2010

Wikileaks is an instrument of US propaganda and disinformation

A major element of military strategy when preparing for war is launching a program of propaganda and disinformation. And it is precisely this that the U.S. is doing right now. Hundreds of thousands of pieces of supposedly top secret information are leaked to the press, and we are supposed to believe that it wasn’t deliberate. Once again our leaders take us for fools. Julian Assange is the puppet being used to do the dirty work, and now he will suffer the consequences of American duplicity.

What was in the secret documents that ordinary people have neither the time nor the patience to study in detail. Either things we knew already, things that aren’t very serious, or information designed to manipulate pubic opinion. A high-level work that required great coordination was set up to try to prove that freedom of information could lead to a deterioration of international relations. Is it just part of a plan for preparing the world for a greater loss of liberty in the interest of global security, and persuading people that this is necessary?

But the main purpose of Wikileaks, whose revelations the Israelis are the only ones to have appreciated, seems to be PROVOCATION. The USA are not afraid to show the true face of their foreign policies, policies that could undermine world security. Because their arrogance makes them believe that their actions are permissible, simply because they are the most powerful nation. So they advance to the next stage of the false war against terrorism, begun after the tragedy of 9/11 in New York, and plan to save their economy by one of the only means left at their disposal, the use of their military superiority before the ultimate fall of their empire. And we other NATO countries are supposed to follow them in their madness, because the force of the only superpower and its allies might possibly prevail.

Truth can be fabricated, as seems to be the case with the Iranian North Korean missiles connection. And as the American philosopher and linguist Noam Chomsky has demonstrated the tricks used to get people to believe in the versions produced in the mass media serve the political elites and multinational corporations. George Orwell wrote, ‘in times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.’ And ‘In our time political speech and writing are largely in defense of the indefensible.’ We live in a world of Orwellian doublethink, in which the ministry of truth turns lies into reality.

In spite of their rhetoric, the Americans have made no real effort to destroy Wikileaks. Their tool in the information war could also be a smokescreen to hide something even more devious. Suspicious activities of banks, including Goldman Sachs, for example. The war economy is financed by the repayment of other countries debts. Poor countries that paid more than 300 billion dollars to the richer countries, which enslave the world populations by debt. The World Bank, the IMF, central banks and the credit rating houses, play a fundamental destabilization role, whose purpose is earning profits and strengthening the grip of their imperialist masters. The rulers of this world know exactly how to take advantage of unstable situations.

The charges against Julian Assange are almost certainly fabricated, Sweden having received orders from Washington. Switzerland and the organizations Paypal, Master Card and Visa are in the same category as Sweden and the UK. But we should not make a hero of Assange. In this world of deceitful international politics he is a stool pigeon like so many others the Americans have used and then abandoned to their fate.

Here are some articles that explain what is going on in greater detail :

samedi 18 décembre 2010

The real reason for the Afghan war

The Taliban had almost eradicated the cultivation of the opium poppy, presumably for religious reasons, in 2001. The NATO forces have now allowed the production to reach its highest ever level, and its only role in Afghanistan is to protect that production and to facilitate the heroin traffic. The huge sums of money generated by the export by military aircraft of the drug is secretly managed by the CIA. It is of the result of Bush’s preprogrammed war using the carefully planned mining of the World Trade Center as an excuse.

That occupation troops profit from the traffic was revealed when several British and Canadian soldiers got caught. As there is no Drug Enforcement Agency control between military airports, drug trafficking by the various armies is relatively easy. The heroin found in the NATO bases in Helmund and Kandahar in southern Afghanistan and flown to Brize Norton military base in the UK, was simply described as an isolated case. But in reality it is the tip of the iceberg, because the American soldiers are much more experienced in how to avoid getting caught.

The German press hinted that one of the main agencies in charge of NATO logistics is in league with the Albanian Mafia. Heroin is transported by military aircraft to Kosovo, where well known criminal leader and Prime Minister, Hashim Thaçi is in charge of trafficking operations. The New York Times revealed that Walid Karzai, the Afghan President’s brother is the principal drug trafficker in Kandahar province, and has been on the CIA’s payroll for years. As presumably has Bernard Kouchner, the ex French foreign minister, former governor of Kosovo, and founder of the NGO, ‘Médecins sans Frontières,’ who is a close friend of both Thaçi and Karzai.

The US military does not prevent drug production because it brings them at least 50 billion dollars a year. That it is their role to transport the drug was even revealed on Russian television in 2009. Already in 2008 the Russian press had revealed that heroin was transported to bases in Kyrgyzstan and Turkey. The Guardian reported that drugs were hidden in the coffins of dead soldiers being flown home. Even the Huffington Post suggested that based on experiences in Vietnam and Central America, the CIA was repeating its illegal acts of transporting drugs for its allies in Afghanistan.

US historian Alfred McCoy, en expert on CIA involvement in drug trafficking over the past fifty years, believes that the sole reason for NATO’s presence in Afghanistan was the restoration of poppy production prohibited by the Mullah Omar, who was seeking international recognition for his Taliban regime. This theory was confirmed after the 2001 invasion when the production and sales of opium rose to way beyond their pre Taliban levels, the NATO troops refusing to fight against Afghan drug barons.

The reason for this stems from the corruption of our nation’s leaders, as well as slush funds for covert CIA operations. Or is it perhaps something more strategic which really does have a beneficial effect on security? The Director of the UN office against drugs and crime (UNODOC) has answered this question. The huge funds derived from money laundering and drug trafficking are what guarantees the survival of the American economic system. The bulk of the proceeds, an extremely impressive sum, is poured into the economy introducing a capital investment in the financial sector, under pressure because of the global crisis. Money derived from drugs trafficking is currently the only available investment capital, now used for interbank loans. Which means that a number of banks have been saved by illegal means. (Goldman Sachs perhaps!)

Afghanistan produced 370 tons of heroin in 2008. Not enough for the international market which could absorb even more. 12,000 tons of opium poppy extract are now stored in warehouses on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. (It takes 7 kilos of opium to make one kilo of heroin) According to UNODOC, the global economy of heroin was estimated at 64 billion dollars. Nearly 2.3 billion was paid to traffickers, and only 700 million to the poppy growers. 60% of the politicians are related to persons with an interest in the opium trade, (warlords, smugglers, and the people protecting them. Representatives of Afghanistan’s embryonic state, police, judges, governors, have been corrupted by the traffickers to facilitate transport and remove all obstacles. UNODOC estimated that 125 million dollars are taken by the Taliban in the form of fees for crop and transport protection. This is part of the money needed to purchase arms, pay fighters and corrupt those whose aid is needed. According to the DEA a kilo of heroin buys 15 Kalashnikov AKs

The UN reports that on top of the paradox of the Taliban profiting from what they had eradicated, there is a contradiction within NATO, that is creating a conflict between the war against terrorism and the struggle to prevent drug trafficking. There have been several cases of the CIA refusing to cooperate with the DEA. President Karzai is reported to have said, “we receive 100% of the blame, but only 2% of the revenues from this activity.”

When the poppy production was stopped in 2000 in Afghanistan, the production of opium was reduced by 90% by 2001. It was therefore decided by George Bush’s criminal government that the Taliban must fall, in spite of the good relations America had with the Mullah Omar and Oussama Ben Laden. The invasion was planned, and because the Taliban were also on good terms with China a very good excuse was required to start the war. It was then that the Neo-Cons (and their Israeli friends perhaps) planned the most disgraceful of all acts, which will no doubt go down in history as being among the most disgusting of any perpetrated by any of history’s many tyrants - the planned destruction of the World Trade Center in New York. (Only a congenital idiot believes the official report.)

The production was increased to 185 tons in 2002, and to 34,000 tons under the Karzai regime, Afghanistan’s US puppet government. He had been employed by a US oil company, and acted as a consultant and lobbyist in negotiations with the Taliban. The Saudi newspaper Al-Watan reported that Karzai was a secret agent of the CIA. After the Soviet-Afghan war (1979 -1989) when the opium production was virtually non existent, he had collaborated with the agency in furnishing arms to the Taliban in 1994, when the Americans secretly supported them, using Pakistan as a go between. Peshawar in Pakistan had been the base (Al-Qaeda) from which Oussama Ben Laden with US financial and military aid had forced the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Time magazine had revealed in 1991 that in the mid 80s the CIA presence in Islamabad was the largest in the world. Also that the US closed its eyes to Afghan drug trafficking. Alfred McCoy’s report reveals that within two years of the start of CIA clandestine operations in Afghanistan on the border region with Pakistan, Afghanistan had become a leading source of heroin, supplying 60% of US demand. When Al-Qaeda began gaining ground against the Soviets, the CIA encouraged the local peasants to plant poppies as a sort of revolutionary tax.

At the time the US refused to investigate several cases of drug trafficking by their Afghan allies. In 1995 the former head of CIA ops in Afghanistan, Charles Cogan admitted that they had replaced the cold war by the drug war. Laundered drug money was used by the CIA to fund post cold war insurrections in central Asia and the Balkans. The narcotics revenues were enormous, estimated by the UN at between 400 and 500 billion dollars. When the figures were made public in 1994, drugs were in second position with petrol after arms sales.

There are powerful financial and commercial interests behind the drug trade from a military and geopolitical standpoint. Protecting trade routes for drugs is as important as protecting oil and gas pipelines. Narcotics is therefore a major source of wealth not only for organized crime but for the US intelligence apparatus which constitutes an increasingly powerful player in banking spheres and finance. Therefore intelligence agencies and powerful business groups, allied with organized crime, are competing for control of the heroin traffic. Tens of billions of dollars have been deposited in the Western banking system

There is n doubt whatsoever that the greatest terrorist organization in this world is the American CIA. Here in France the axis of evil is considered to be the US, the United Kingdom and Israel. And, having detected that Obama is no more than a puppet in hands of a higher fascist authority, what terrifies us the most is the thought that if assassinations are arranged for Obama and Biden, (like what happened to Kennedy,) the evil neo-con criminals will once again take power with Robert Gates at their head.

NATO soldiers protecting poppy fields.